ZTH: Web 2 Walkthrough

4 min readJun 26, 2021


Room Link : https://tryhackme.com/room/zthweb2


IDOR, or Insecure Direct Object Reference, is the act of exploiting a misconfiguration in the way user input is handled, to access resources you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to access.

For example, let’s say we’re logging into our bank account, and after correctly authenticating ourselves, we get taken to a URL like this https://example.com/bank?account_number=1234. On that page we can see all our important bank details, and a user would do whatever they needed to do and move along their way thinking nothing is wrong.

There is however a potentially huge problem here, a hacker may be able to change the account_number parameter to something else like 1235, and if the site is incorrectly configured, then he would have access to someone else’s bank information.


After logging in with the credentials provided


By checking the URL we can see the IP/note.php?note=1

And in the previous task (task 3) you had read that

However, as you may have picked up on, there seems to be an interesting part of the URL. It seems that the note that we can view is controlled by a URL parameter, let’s check if we can access other notes, by increasing the number to 2.

IDOR can also have negative values as well like -1 etc.

The note parameter is set to 1, lets try changing it to 0.

(When dealing with numerical id’s, my preference is to start fuzzing from 0 ( As admin accounts are first to be created, so they usually have low index numbers such as 0 or 1) and increment to an arbitrary value (User accounts are made after the admin accounts so they have greater index value)., depending on how many users the application is likely to contain (such as 5,100,1242 etc..).

After changing the value to 0, we get a flag!

Forced Browsing

Forced browsing is the art of using logic to find resources on the website that you would not normally be able to access. For example let’s say we have a note taking site, that is structured like this. http://example.com/user1/note.txt . It stands to reason that if we did http://example.com/user2/note.txt. We may be able to access user2’s note.

Taking this a step further, if we ran wfuzz on that URL, we could enumerate users we don’t know about, as well as get their notes. This is quite devastating, because we can then run further attacks on the users we find, for example brute forcing each user we find, to see if they have weak passwords.

Automatic Exploitation

Q1:What flag hides characters

Answer : --hh

Q2. What flag shows specific word amounts instead of hides them

Answer : --sw


Browse to port 81


We can use any password combination. I used → hi:bye

Let’s brute force the noot field using wfuzz

wfuzz -c -z file,common.txt http://IP:81/FUZZ/note.txt

The wordlist common.txt can be found in /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

As we can see, we are getting a lot of 404 responses which have 57 words. We can block it using the --hw 57 or --hc 404 .

wfuzz -c -hw 57 -z file,common.txt http://IP:81/FUZZ/note.txt

wfuzz -c -z file,common.txt -hc 404 http://IP:81/FUZZ/note.txt

Let’s browse to http://ip:81/REDACTED/note.txt to get the flag.

API bypassing

This is a bit of a unique one, as it can basically be anything. APIs are by definition incredibly versatile, and finding out how to exploit them, will require a lot of research and effort by the hacker. The following situation is only one possible scenario out of a near infinite number.


Task 11

Browse to port 82

Login with random username and password.

The hint says : The parameter you need to use may not be the same. If you’re looking for a wordlist, you can use big.txt.

big.txt can be found in /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt.

I tried bruteforcing it didnt get expected results. I thought to check out the usual file names where flags are stored like /flag.php, /flag, and /flag.txt.

Luckily /flag.txt was the location where the flag was stored.

Hope you enjoyed the walkthrough.




Written by Aksheet

Interested in Cyber Security and Aviation. eJPT certified

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